Sunday, 05 May 2024


With the aim of enhancing the knowledge of staffs about the company's operating procedures, last week, the Board of Directors held a training course on the establishment of internal personnel management system. Sets with the teaching of the company Topcareer.
Throughout the course, the staffs have a better understanding of the company's current and future directions and orientations; Draw lessons with deep human values ​​applied to individuals as well as companies. The lesson of solidarity created as the image of flying cranes in the V-shape; The lesson of change for the good, to perfect myself as the eagle image at the age of 40 must change otherwise it will die; & The picture of the crack with human message is not perfect. For a company, it's a lesson not just for individual employees but also for management people. Their staff is not perfect, but the good manager is the one who recognizes and makes the bad points, imperfections become "perfect".
Also through the course, employees in the company also openly share their own desires for the company, and planned work coming in the future.
Here are some pictures of the course: